Working happily with over 1000+ clients worldwide
Make Booking Easy

Multipurpose Booking
Service Booking, Group Booking, and Consultant Booking all in one package.

Easy Booking Process
A customer can easily book his/her appointment in just 3-4 steps.

Powerfull Admin Panel
Easily manage bookings from WordPress admin area.

Form Builder
Create your own custom field to request additional customer information as you need.

Customize labels and colors as you want.

100% Responsive
Bookme's responsive layout works perfectly on all devices.

Detailed Documentation
We have made detailed documentation, so it will easy to use.

Dedicated Support
Bookme Help Center is committed to provide best-in-class service & support.

Regular Updates
We are constantly updating our pack with new features.
Easily Manageable
Bookme comes with an extended powerful admin panel, which allows you to manage all bookings, customers, staff members and many more – with few clicks.
Booking Types
Default Booking
Bookme is a WordPress plugin that provide you an automated booking and online scheduling of your services, save time and money, manage your appointments, customer and staff with only single plugin.
- Category and Service
- Staff Members (Employees)
- Calendar with Seat Availability

Group Booking
Group booking allow to book multiple seat on a single time slot. And in admin panel it will be shown as single appointment.
Consultant Booking
Booking and scheduling for meeting with consultant. who provides expert advice in a particular area such as security (electronic or physical), management, education, accountancy, law, human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance, engineering, science or any of many other specialized fields.